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Why become a NIRAPAD member?

NIRAPAD invites institutions and individuals to become network members. Academic, Research, Policy, Advocacy and Development institutions involved in DRR and CCA activities are encouraged to become members of NIRAPAD.

Members will achieve:

  • NIRAPAD newsletters
  • NIRAPAD situation report on disaster
  • Access to data and other information that may be posted on NIRAPAD’s public website from time to time and
  • Access to library which contains a huge number of DRR and CCA related books, journals, manual, module, handbook and other materials
  • NIRAPAD working papers
  • NIRAPAD strategic partnership

Institutions interested in becoming a member, please fill in the Form. Click here

Individuals interested in becoming a member, please fill in the Form. Click here

For further information about NIRAPAD membership please write to Ms.Hasina Akter Mita at