Membership is the heart of any network. Success and failure depend on their motivation and commitment on it. So, careful mast be regarding the membership whether they want to actually participate or only extracting gain from it.
Formal membership can be obtained from NIRAPAD signing the memorandum of understanding between the network and member. Regarding the membership steering committee will take the final decision and approval. The following types of membership will exist in the network.
Organization offers two types of membership: a) Full Member and b) Associate Member
a) Full Member: Individual, representing local or national non-governmental organization, qualifies to become General Member.
b) Associate Member: Individual nominated by local, national or international non-governmental organization or any person involved in disaster management qualifies to become Associate Member.
Roles and Entitlements
Full Members
Associate Members
Associate Members have the same roles and entitlements as Full Members (see above) excepting the right to form the Executive Committee.
Eligibility for Application
Membership Fees